A6M2 Zero bulkhead. Scratch built in aluminum by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero forward fuselage 1:15 scale. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero cockpit construction 1:15 scale. Scratch model built in metal by Rojas Bazan.

A6M2 Zero cockpit construction 1:15 scale. Scratch model built in metal by Rojas Bazan.

A6M2 Zero seat. 1:15 scale. Scratch built in metal by Guillermo Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero cockpit construction. 1:15 scale. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero cockpit construction. Scratch built in metal by Guillermo Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero fuselage frame. Scratch built in aluminum by Rojas Bazan. 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero. Fuselage sections under construction, 1:15 scale. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero. 1:15 scale fuselage construction in metal. Scratch building. Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero type 21 scale 1:15. All metal construction. Scratch built by Guillermo Rojas Bazán.

Zero type 21. Cockpit accessories. 1:15 scale. Scratch built in aluminum by Rojas Bazán.

Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero. Type 98 gun sight 1:15 scale. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazán

A6M2 Zero. 1:15 scale. Construction of type 98 gun sight in metal. Scratch built by Rojas Bazan.

A6M2 Zero. Radio set type 96-1. Built in metal by Guillermo Rojas Bazan.1:15 scale.

Mitsubishi A6M2 Zero cockpit. Scratch built by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale. One-off model.

A6M2 Zero all metal cockpit. 1:15 scale. Scratch built by Rojas Bazan.

A6M2 Zero cockpit details. Scratch built by Rojas Bazan, 1:15 scale. Handmade in metal.

A6M2 Zero. Scratch built by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale. All metal construction by hand.

A6M2 Zero cockpit under construction. Scratch built in aluminum by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero. Cockpit details. 1:15 scale. Scratch built in aluminum by Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero type 21 under construction. 1:15 scale. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazan.

A6M2 Zero. Wings under construction. Scratch built in aluminum by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

A6M2. Wing frame. Metal construction. 1:15 scale. Scratch built by Guillermo Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero. Metal frame and skin panels. Scratch built by Rojas Bazan. 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero. Wing frame and panels. Scratch built in aluminium by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero. Wing structure and skin panels. 1:15 scale. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero wheel well construction. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

AlM2 Zero. Flaps under construction. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazan. 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero under construction. 1:15 scale. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazán.

A6M2 Zero. Movable wing tip. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero. Type 99 20mm Mark 1 cannon. Scratch built in metal by Rojas Bazan 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero. Fin and rudder frames, 1:15 scale. Scratch built in aluminium by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero. Skin details. Scratch built in aluminum by Rojas Bazán. 1:15 scale.

A6M2 Zero. Close up aluminum skin and fabric covering. Scratch built by Rojas Bazán, 1:15 scale.