Built almost entirely of sheet aluminum, their natural aluminum finish cannot be equaled for reproductions of real aircraft that were also built from this marvelous material. Sheet aluminum also assures a strong, very durable model, and as a result of their astonishing realism, Rojas Bazán models are widely collected by pilots and crews who have flown the real aircraft the models dramatically represent, and discriminating collectors and museums around the world.
In his early years as a professional model maker, Guillermo built more than 114 models in 1:40 scale and several in 1:24 for two aviation museums in Buenos Aires and an aviation gallery in London. These scales allowed him to build a series of large, multi-engine models in a few years, as the beautiful Boeing Y1B-17 (see photo), the Handley Page Halifax, Bristol Blenheim, Douglas C-54 and the little Stearman in 1:25 scale, that was regarded by a Smithsonian curator as one of the best scale model airplane he ever seen.
MULTI - ENGINE 1:24, 1:32, 1:48 scale
Actual multi-engine aircraft models are generally large in size, and even scaled down to 1:32 or 1:48 scales, can have very large wingspans. For example a 1:48 model of the giant Boeing XB-15, will have a wingspan of 38 inches, a larger size compared to the 1:15 scale F4U Corsair with a span of "only" 32 inches.
The Multi-Engine models may be commissioned in Standard or Special modes:
Standard Mode:
Fully detailed exterior, fully detailed cockpit. Painted to the client´s specifications. Shipping/storage wooden box.
Special Mode:
Standard mode + electrical system operating navigation/ landing lights and propellers.
SINGLE ENGINE 1:24, 1:32 scale
In this two scales these striking sheet aluminum models are created in two modes. Standard or Special.
Standard mode:
Fully detailed exterior, fully detailed cockpit. Canopy opening. Paint to the client's specifications. Shipping/storage wooden box.
Special mode:
Standard mode + different options: Electrical system operating navigation lights and propellers. Removable top cow to reveal upper engine. Electrica system that operates prop, navigation/landing lights. Movable control surfaces from stick and pedals.
If you have any question, please contact us:
Models feature and scales. What can be commissioned.
Mr. Rojas Bazán no longer builds models in 1:15 due the amount of time required for their construction and the expensive prices. Now he focuses exclusively to the construction of models on smaller scales of 1:24, 1:32 and 1:40 scales. In this way construction time is greatly reduced and therefore also the prices.