![](images/models---vought-os2u-kingfisher/Vought OS2U Kingfisher-30.jpg)
Vought OS2U Kingfisher - 1:15 Scale
100% Scratch Built - Handcrafted Aluminum Model.
Built between 2000 and 2015 - Highly detailed scale model - 1941 US Navy radio set -
Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior engine - Aircraft Catapult Diorama
Diorama showing the Kingfisher aboard the USS Arizona
Fuselage under construction showing bulkheads, frames, stringers and longerons
Fuselage under construction
Edo main float under construction showing lower frames
Edo center float bottom view
Fuselage with the main float attached
![](images/models---vought-os2u-kingfisher/Vought OS2U Kingfisher-06.jpg)
Pilot canopy
Model GF-12 and RU-17 transmitter and receiving equipment (on mm grid paper)
Model GF-12 and RU-17 transmitter and receiving equipment
Radio equipment
Pilot's main instrument panel and auxiliary panel
Building pilot's seat and cockpit accessories in aluminum
1:15 scale Pratt & Whitney R-985 Wasp Junior engine
Fuselage with centre float
Fabric covered elevators and rudder
Stabilizing floats
The complete model in natural metal
The colors represent an OS2U aboard the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor, December 1941
![](images/models---vought-os2u-kingfisher/Vought OS2U Kingfisher-18.jpg)
Pilot's cockpit starboard side showing the electrical distribution panel
Observer/radio operator's Colt-Browning M2 .30 caliber machine gun
on a flexible ring mount
Pilot's instrument panel and telescopic sight
Close-up of the rear cockpit showing the radio equipment
Diorama showing the Kingfisher sitting on the catapult
Close-up of the propeller and Pratt & Whitney R-985 engine
View of the OS2U sitting on the carriage
Port wing showing fabric covered aft of the mainspar, spoiler, aileron and flap
Close-up front of the Edo main float
![](images/models---vought-os2u-kingfisher/Vought OS2U Kingfisher-27.jpg)
Complete model with the opened canopies
Complete model with the closed canopies
![](images/models---vought-os2u-kingfisher/Vought OS2U Kingfisher-29.jpg)
Diorama showing the Kingfisher aboard the USS Arizona