Vought F4U-1 Corsair - 1:15 Scale
100% Scratch Built - Handcrafted Aluminum Model
Built between 1990 and 1999 - Engineering model - Operating ailerons, elevators
and rudder from cockpit - Operating folding wings, flaps and cowl flaps -
Fully detailed Pratt & Whitney R-2800-8 Double Wasp, induction and hydraulic system -
Operating navigation, identification, landing lights and propeller
General view of the completed model

Firewall bulkhead, beam and side panels

Center section beam with tubing and wiring

Cockpit details

Cockpit details

Fuselage main section

Pratt & Whitney R-2800-8 Double Wasp installation

Work in progress

Center section, cowling placed and canopy closed

Center section, cowling removed and canopy open

Fin and rudder under construction

Completed fuselage

Completed model still in aluminum finish

Completed model still in metal finish

Painted model showing the outer wing in a folded position

Bottom view of the outer wing panel

Bottom view of the outer wing panel showing fabric-covered flaps and aluminum panels

General view showing the position of ailerons and flaps

Dropped flaps

Pratt & Whitney R-2800 - Induction and hydraulic system - Movable cowl flaps

Pratt & Whitney R-2800 - Induction and hydraulic system - Movable cowl flaps

Induction and hydraulic system - Movable cowl flaps

Supercharger housing, oil tank, fire suppressor cylinder, hydraulic system

Starboard gun installation - front gun bay door, feed chutes and ammunition boxes
Attachment of outer wing panel with rod, bolts and link assembled

Flaps and gun bay, starboard side

General view from rear

Dropped flaps

Propeller and engine details

General view starboard side