Junkers G 24 - 1:15 Scale
100% Scratch Built - Handcrafted Aluminum Model
Built between 2000 and 2015 - Highly detailed model - Handcrafted corrugated sheet and Heine wooden propellers - Junkers L5 engine - Tempelhof airport circa 1926, diorama
Diorama - Junkers G 24 under maintenance

Fuselage bulkheads

Fuselage under construction

Fuselage and center wing under construction

Passenger seats

Passenger cabin looking forward. Note the train car style windows

Train car style passenger cabin

Toilet, paper roll, mirror, sink and trash can

Passenger cabin, view towards the toilet

General view of the passenger cabin showing baggage racks
Fuselage port side. The windows of the G 24 open like those of a train.
Junkers style wing frame and corrugated skin panels

Outer port wing skin
Stabilizers frame and corrugated skin panels

Tail section showing the "reverse" airfoil of the stabilizers
Close-up of the corrugated skin

Junkers L5 engine under construction

Junkers L5 6-cylinder liquid-cooled inline engine

Junkers L5 engine

Junkers L5 engine and propeller under construction

Junkers L5 engine painted

Handmade Heine wooden propellers

Hugo Heine propellers

Instrument panel 1920s style

Instrument panel and control wheels

Pilots' seats
View inside the open cockpit
Pilot's compartment showing wooden control wheels and throttles
Open flight deck for pilot and flight engineer
Open engine panels showing the Junkers L5 engine

Junkers L5 engine and Heine propeller
General view of the completed model

Front view of the model with the upper cowling panel in open position and the L5 engine

Open upper cowling showing the Junkers L5 center engine
General view of the completed model
Junkers G 24 at Berlin Tempelhof airport, circa 1926. Diorama
Junkers G 24 at Tempelhof airport
Junkers G 24 at Tempelhof airport
Junkers G 24 at Tempelhof airport
Junkers G 24 at Tempelhof airport
Berlin Tempelhof airport at night. Diorama
Berlin Tempelhof airport at night. Diorama
Berlin Tempelhof airport at night. Diorama
Berlin Tempelhof airport at night. Diorama
